Fall Cleansing Special $20 off per Session
It is that time of year again...goodbye to warm days and hello to brightly colored leaves!
Now until the end of Fall, schedule a session at $20 off per sessiom.
Ever Clean Colonics
1133 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Call 914-409-7760 to schedule
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Book Review
The End of Food. Roberts, P. (2008). New York, New York: Mariner Books.
The End of Food is an eye-opening investigation into the modern food system. Divided into three parts, it is a thorough expose into everything we neglect to think about when we think about food. From the early hunting and gathering to genetically modified food, Paul Roberts explores it all.
Part I – The Past
The first part of the book provides a historical view or how the modern industrial food system got to where it is today. It takes the reader through how early man sought out food. Initially, plants provided the calories necessary to survive. Man was able to gather plants to feed his family. Soon, man discovered that animals also provided calories and the calories when more dense providing more energy. Hence, further ensuring the survival of man. This survival allowed the population to grow and the need for more food to grow as well. A way to feed more people lent to the development and expansion of farms. Here, plants and animals were produced on a larger scale to feed more people.
Part II – The Present
This part of the book takes a look at where we are today as a result of the industrialization of the food system. Food production, as part of an ever-decreasing margin industry, had gone global. Food is grown and sourced based on lowest cost. However, this drive to produce for the lowest dollar also brings about serious problems. Impacts on health, soil and water; as well as increasing energy costs all result from the industrial food machine. In addition, this explosion of production still fails to provide food for those that continue to experience hunger in the world.
Part III – The Future
The last part of the book explores the great hurdle in fixing the food system. Today in a world with transgenic/genetically modified food, we don’t know the impact of how we will be affected in the future.
This was a great book and I was not able to put it down. Roberts really dug into what is going on with our food. He provided in-depth information that really made me want to learn more and tell others. After reading, I watched many of his talks and became actively interested in the state of our current food system.
The End of Food is an eye-opening investigation into the modern food system. Divided into three parts, it is a thorough expose into everything we neglect to think about when we think about food. From the early hunting and gathering to genetically modified food, Paul Roberts explores it all.
Part I – The Past
The first part of the book provides a historical view or how the modern industrial food system got to where it is today. It takes the reader through how early man sought out food. Initially, plants provided the calories necessary to survive. Man was able to gather plants to feed his family. Soon, man discovered that animals also provided calories and the calories when more dense providing more energy. Hence, further ensuring the survival of man. This survival allowed the population to grow and the need for more food to grow as well. A way to feed more people lent to the development and expansion of farms. Here, plants and animals were produced on a larger scale to feed more people.
Part II – The Present
This part of the book takes a look at where we are today as a result of the industrialization of the food system. Food production, as part of an ever-decreasing margin industry, had gone global. Food is grown and sourced based on lowest cost. However, this drive to produce for the lowest dollar also brings about serious problems. Impacts on health, soil and water; as well as increasing energy costs all result from the industrial food machine. In addition, this explosion of production still fails to provide food for those that continue to experience hunger in the world.
Part III – The Future
The last part of the book explores the great hurdle in fixing the food system. Today in a world with transgenic/genetically modified food, we don’t know the impact of how we will be affected in the future.
This was a great book and I was not able to put it down. Roberts really dug into what is going on with our food. He provided in-depth information that really made me want to learn more and tell others. After reading, I watched many of his talks and became actively interested in the state of our current food system.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Comparison of 20 Organic and Conventional Foods
Comparison of 20 Organic and Conventional Foods westchester colonics
As a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Colon Hydrotherapist, I advise people each day on the importance of eating whole live organic foods. Frequently I hear from clients, “I would buy organic, but it is so expensive!” Historically, I would tend to agree with this statement, but things are starting to change. Organics are becoming more commonplace and prices are getting closer and closer to their conventional counterparts. A quick tour of any grocery store provides a small glimpse of this ever-growing market segment. More and more, entire sections and aisles in stores are catering to organic food. In addition, Whole Foods, local and regional markets, as well as, organic farms and CSAs continue to widen their footprints throughout the country. Even Wal-Mart is getting into organics.
In order to prove that the price gap between organic and conventional produce is slimming, I took to the streets and visited several organic and conventional markets. To my delight, the difference in organic produce was hardly noticeable. On average, a comparison of 20 organic and conventional fruits and vegetables provided only a $.19 difference in price. In addition, I was able to find more options available in the organic markets and farms. These options included more locally grown food and greater variety in vegetables. Organic produce is definitely finding its place in our food system.
Now in order to be fair to the folks that feel organic food as a general category is more expensive than conventional food, I would be remiss not to briefly mention a couple of other food categories. Two of the largest categories that also deserve attention are meat and processed foods.
Organic meat, like so many other organic products, is popping up everywhere. In both conventional and organic outlets, consumers are finding it more and more readily available. However, the price gap between organic and conventional meat is still quite large. In order to bring organic meat to the consumer, special care from birth to market needs to be taken and this special care adds dollars and cents all along the way. Different from the highly mechanized and processed conventional meat, organic meat is still largely brought to market from small to medium sized organic farms bearing large production costs. This size difference allows large producers to spread production costs over larger volumes and bring a less expensive product to market.
Processed Foods
Another large segment of the food industry where organics still tend to command a higher price is processed foods. In searching both organic and conventional markets, I noticed the price of organic processed foods still tends to cost a bit more than conventionally processed foods. If one wants to eat organic, but still have convenience they are going to have to pay more. Any item out of a bag, bottle, package or can comes with a higher ticket price. If you want organic oatmeal or beans in the usual take home fashion (container, bag or can), plan to spend more at the checkout counter. However, much like the large and small grocery chains, food processors are throwing their hats into the race. Products ranging from microwave meals to baby food are now being produced by the same companies that offer conventional processed foods.
My comparison of 20 foods was encouraging. I was happy to see only a slight difference in the price of organic produce versus conventional produce. For less than the cost of a U.S. Quarter, one can feel free to enjoy all the benefits fresh fruits and vegetables have to offer. However, more inroads need to be made in other food categories. Specifically, lower prices in the meat category. If one chooses to eat organic meat, cost should not inhibit their consumption. In the case of processed foods, prices are still higher than conventional, but this may not be such a bad thing. If cost is a limiting factor, folks may choose to eat less processed foods and opt for more organic fruits and vegetables in their price range.
by Ever Clean Colonics
As a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Colon Hydrotherapist, I advise people each day on the importance of eating whole live organic foods. Frequently I hear from clients, “I would buy organic, but it is so expensive!” Historically, I would tend to agree with this statement, but things are starting to change. Organics are becoming more commonplace and prices are getting closer and closer to their conventional counterparts. A quick tour of any grocery store provides a small glimpse of this ever-growing market segment. More and more, entire sections and aisles in stores are catering to organic food. In addition, Whole Foods, local and regional markets, as well as, organic farms and CSAs continue to widen their footprints throughout the country. Even Wal-Mart is getting into organics.
In order to prove that the price gap between organic and conventional produce is slimming, I took to the streets and visited several organic and conventional markets. To my delight, the difference in organic produce was hardly noticeable. On average, a comparison of 20 organic and conventional fruits and vegetables provided only a $.19 difference in price. In addition, I was able to find more options available in the organic markets and farms. These options included more locally grown food and greater variety in vegetables. Organic produce is definitely finding its place in our food system.
Now in order to be fair to the folks that feel organic food as a general category is more expensive than conventional food, I would be remiss not to briefly mention a couple of other food categories. Two of the largest categories that also deserve attention are meat and processed foods.
Organic meat, like so many other organic products, is popping up everywhere. In both conventional and organic outlets, consumers are finding it more and more readily available. However, the price gap between organic and conventional meat is still quite large. In order to bring organic meat to the consumer, special care from birth to market needs to be taken and this special care adds dollars and cents all along the way. Different from the highly mechanized and processed conventional meat, organic meat is still largely brought to market from small to medium sized organic farms bearing large production costs. This size difference allows large producers to spread production costs over larger volumes and bring a less expensive product to market.
Processed Foods
Another large segment of the food industry where organics still tend to command a higher price is processed foods. In searching both organic and conventional markets, I noticed the price of organic processed foods still tends to cost a bit more than conventionally processed foods. If one wants to eat organic, but still have convenience they are going to have to pay more. Any item out of a bag, bottle, package or can comes with a higher ticket price. If you want organic oatmeal or beans in the usual take home fashion (container, bag or can), plan to spend more at the checkout counter. However, much like the large and small grocery chains, food processors are throwing their hats into the race. Products ranging from microwave meals to baby food are now being produced by the same companies that offer conventional processed foods.
My comparison of 20 foods was encouraging. I was happy to see only a slight difference in the price of organic produce versus conventional produce. For less than the cost of a U.S. Quarter, one can feel free to enjoy all the benefits fresh fruits and vegetables have to offer. However, more inroads need to be made in other food categories. Specifically, lower prices in the meat category. If one chooses to eat organic meat, cost should not inhibit their consumption. In the case of processed foods, prices are still higher than conventional, but this may not be such a bad thing. If cost is a limiting factor, folks may choose to eat less processed foods and opt for more organic fruits and vegetables in their price range.
by Ever Clean Colonics
Monday, July 18, 2011
Gluten Quiz
westchester colonics
from Hawthorn University
Gluten intolerance has been found to be most common among people of Irish, English, Scottish, Scandinavian, and Eastern European. Often times it is assumed that gluten intolerance is a food allergy, but it is not. It is actually an autoimmune process, which affects an alarming percentage of the population. The most significant symptoms are weight gain, fatigue and depression.
The following test is a diagnostic tool to help you to understand the symptoms and signs that are likely to go along with gluten intolerance.
Test Interpretation Guide (combine both sections)
Number of “Yes” Responses Potential for Gluten Intolerance
4 or less = Not likely
5 – 8 = Suspected
9 or more = Very likely
Do any of the following apply to you?
Have you suffered from any of the following conditions?
As stated above, gluten intolerance is an autoimmune process, and not a food allergy. It is most common among people of Irish, English, Scottish, Scandinavian, and Eastern European. The most common symptoms include, but are not limited to: weight gain, fatigue and depression.
A person with gluten intolerance cannot digest the protein portion of many commonly eaten grains. When this protein is ingested it combines with the enzyme transglutaminase to form an immune complex that deposits on the lining of the intestines. The body recognizes this as a foreign substance, and begins an immune reaction to the complex. Immune cells come into the area and release a series of toxins to try to “kill” this unidentified immune complex. These toxins from the immune system cause inflammation in the digestive system and damage the lining tissue. This is what causes the unexplained digestive symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, and cramping. The toxins are also responsible for feelings of fatigue and malaise after a meal containing these foods.
The walls of the digestive tract are lined with immune cells that form a protective barrier called Secretory IgA. This lining protects against infectious agents such as bacteria, parasites, and fungus. If a person with gluten intolerance continues to eat the gluten, in time the constant inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract wears away the Secretory IgA. This depletion of immune cells makes a person very susceptible to infectious agents it would normally be able to fight off. The inflammation also begins to damage the small intestine. This affects the person’s ability to absorb the nutrients they need. You quite literally are what you eat and if your body isn’t able to properly absorb your food, you will suffer a myriad of symptoms.
The number one symptom associated with mal-absorption resulting from gluten intolerance is a combination of fatigue and weight gain. If you are not properly absorbing your food you will not be getting any of the nutrients from the food you eat. This will leave you constantly hungry and endlessly tired. Without proper absorption of nutrients, mineral and vitamin deficiencies can develop. Muscle cramping is a common symptom that can arise. The lack of magnesium impairs muscle contraction. Magnesium deficiency has also been linked to cardiovascular disease. An inability to absorb calcium can lead to osteoporosis. Mineral deficiency can also create feelings of restlessness and an inability to relax. It can also make seep difficult and create insomnia. If you cannot absorb your B vitamins you will develop weakness, fatigue, and malaise. If you cannot absorb fats then you cannot control inflammation and since most hormones are made from cholesterol, you will not have the building blocks to synthesize hormones. This among other things can create hormone imbalances, interfering with your ability to handle stress and maintain a balanced emotional state. This also contributes to weight gain in a substantial way. Your hormones have a large effect on your metabolism and your ability to process fat and carbohydrates. Imbalance in insulin will eventually lead to diabetes.
There is also a phenomenon that causes people to crave things that they are allergic to. There are many theories as to why this happens and the exact mechanism is not yet fully understood. But this is the reason why many people crave carbohydrates or become “addicted” to them much the way an alcoholic becomes addicted to alcohol.
There are cells lining the intestinal tract that create enzymes to digest food. They too are damaged in this process. If the body cannot secrete the enzyme lactase, lactose can no longer be digested and the person becomes intolerant to dairy. They may also lose their ability to digest protein - which can lead to a deficiency in amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for neurotransmitters, one of which is Serotonin. Low levels of Serotonin have been medically linked to problems with depression and insomnia.
Eventually the digestive tract develops gaps in areas of constant inflammation. This condition is referred to as leaky gut syndrome. When this occurs, these immune complexes form the gluten reaction - other food particles, parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi and any other invaders can exit the GI tract and enter the blood stream. This increases the body’s susceptibility to illness. It is also the origin of many food allergies. Food is meant to be fully digested, broken down and filtered through the liver before it ever enters the blood stream. As undigested food particles slip through the gaps into the blood stream, the body’s immune system sees them as foreign invaders and creates immune cells to them. Then next time you eat these foods the body remembers them as a potentially threatening invader and creates a reaction to them resulting in a food allergy.
How to Take Further Action
These are possible reactions that can occur over time with a person who is gluten intolerance. Not all people will react in an extreme way, but if you do have intolerance to gluten it is very important that you identify it and avoid all products containing gluten.
If you scored 5 or higher on the questionnaire, I recommend you eliminate all gluten-containing foods from your diet for a minimum of two months. At the end of the two months you will notice significant relief (if not elimination) from your symptoms if you are in fact gluten intolerant. If you identify yourself as gluten intolerant you will need to remain gluten-free for the rest of your life to avoid the unwanted and harmful effects of gluten.
Gluten-free means avoiding all foods containing gluten, including wheat, rye, spelt, bulgar, semolina, couscous, triticale, and durum flour. Gluten can be hidden, so read labels carefully. Be wary of modified food starch, dextrin, flavorings and extracts, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, imitation seafood, and creamed or thickened products such as soups, stews, and sauces. Please refer to Your Guide to Healthy Hormones, for a more detailed discussion on gluten intolerance.
Ever Clean Colonics
from Hawthorn University
Gluten intolerance has been found to be most common among people of Irish, English, Scottish, Scandinavian, and Eastern European. Often times it is assumed that gluten intolerance is a food allergy, but it is not. It is actually an autoimmune process, which affects an alarming percentage of the population. The most significant symptoms are weight gain, fatigue and depression.
The following test is a diagnostic tool to help you to understand the symptoms and signs that are likely to go along with gluten intolerance.
Test Interpretation Guide (combine both sections)
Number of “Yes” Responses Potential for Gluten Intolerance
4 or less = Not likely
5 – 8 = Suspected
9 or more = Very likely
Do any of the following apply to you?
- Weight gain
- Unexplained fatigue
- Difficulty relaxing, feel tense frequently
- Unexplained digestive problems
- Female hormone imbalances, (PMS, menopausal symptoms)
- Muscle or joint pain or stiffness of unknown cause
- Migraine like headaches
- Food allergies/sensitivities
- Difficulty digesting dairy products
- Tendency to over consume alcohol
- Overly sensitive to physical and emotional pain, cry easily
- Cravings for sweets, bread, carbohydrates
- Tendency to overeat sweets, bread, carbohydrates
- Abdominal pain or cramping
- Abdominal bloating or distention
- Intestinal gas
- “Love” specific foods
- Eat when upset, eat to relax
- Constipation or diarrhea of no known cause
- Unexplained skin problems/rashes
- Difficulty gaining weight
Have you suffered from any of the following conditions?
- Allergies
- Depression
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Rosacea
- Diabetes
- Osteoporosis/bone loss
- Iron deficiency/anemia
- Chronic fatigue
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Candida
- Hypoglycemia
- Lactose intolerance
- Alcoholism
As stated above, gluten intolerance is an autoimmune process, and not a food allergy. It is most common among people of Irish, English, Scottish, Scandinavian, and Eastern European. The most common symptoms include, but are not limited to: weight gain, fatigue and depression.
A person with gluten intolerance cannot digest the protein portion of many commonly eaten grains. When this protein is ingested it combines with the enzyme transglutaminase to form an immune complex that deposits on the lining of the intestines. The body recognizes this as a foreign substance, and begins an immune reaction to the complex. Immune cells come into the area and release a series of toxins to try to “kill” this unidentified immune complex. These toxins from the immune system cause inflammation in the digestive system and damage the lining tissue. This is what causes the unexplained digestive symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, constipation, gas, and cramping. The toxins are also responsible for feelings of fatigue and malaise after a meal containing these foods.
The walls of the digestive tract are lined with immune cells that form a protective barrier called Secretory IgA. This lining protects against infectious agents such as bacteria, parasites, and fungus. If a person with gluten intolerance continues to eat the gluten, in time the constant inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract wears away the Secretory IgA. This depletion of immune cells makes a person very susceptible to infectious agents it would normally be able to fight off. The inflammation also begins to damage the small intestine. This affects the person’s ability to absorb the nutrients they need. You quite literally are what you eat and if your body isn’t able to properly absorb your food, you will suffer a myriad of symptoms.
The number one symptom associated with mal-absorption resulting from gluten intolerance is a combination of fatigue and weight gain. If you are not properly absorbing your food you will not be getting any of the nutrients from the food you eat. This will leave you constantly hungry and endlessly tired. Without proper absorption of nutrients, mineral and vitamin deficiencies can develop. Muscle cramping is a common symptom that can arise. The lack of magnesium impairs muscle contraction. Magnesium deficiency has also been linked to cardiovascular disease. An inability to absorb calcium can lead to osteoporosis. Mineral deficiency can also create feelings of restlessness and an inability to relax. It can also make seep difficult and create insomnia. If you cannot absorb your B vitamins you will develop weakness, fatigue, and malaise. If you cannot absorb fats then you cannot control inflammation and since most hormones are made from cholesterol, you will not have the building blocks to synthesize hormones. This among other things can create hormone imbalances, interfering with your ability to handle stress and maintain a balanced emotional state. This also contributes to weight gain in a substantial way. Your hormones have a large effect on your metabolism and your ability to process fat and carbohydrates. Imbalance in insulin will eventually lead to diabetes.
There is also a phenomenon that causes people to crave things that they are allergic to. There are many theories as to why this happens and the exact mechanism is not yet fully understood. But this is the reason why many people crave carbohydrates or become “addicted” to them much the way an alcoholic becomes addicted to alcohol.
There are cells lining the intestinal tract that create enzymes to digest food. They too are damaged in this process. If the body cannot secrete the enzyme lactase, lactose can no longer be digested and the person becomes intolerant to dairy. They may also lose their ability to digest protein - which can lead to a deficiency in amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for neurotransmitters, one of which is Serotonin. Low levels of Serotonin have been medically linked to problems with depression and insomnia.
Eventually the digestive tract develops gaps in areas of constant inflammation. This condition is referred to as leaky gut syndrome. When this occurs, these immune complexes form the gluten reaction - other food particles, parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi and any other invaders can exit the GI tract and enter the blood stream. This increases the body’s susceptibility to illness. It is also the origin of many food allergies. Food is meant to be fully digested, broken down and filtered through the liver before it ever enters the blood stream. As undigested food particles slip through the gaps into the blood stream, the body’s immune system sees them as foreign invaders and creates immune cells to them. Then next time you eat these foods the body remembers them as a potentially threatening invader and creates a reaction to them resulting in a food allergy.
How to Take Further Action
These are possible reactions that can occur over time with a person who is gluten intolerance. Not all people will react in an extreme way, but if you do have intolerance to gluten it is very important that you identify it and avoid all products containing gluten.
If you scored 5 or higher on the questionnaire, I recommend you eliminate all gluten-containing foods from your diet for a minimum of two months. At the end of the two months you will notice significant relief (if not elimination) from your symptoms if you are in fact gluten intolerant. If you identify yourself as gluten intolerant you will need to remain gluten-free for the rest of your life to avoid the unwanted and harmful effects of gluten.
Gluten-free means avoiding all foods containing gluten, including wheat, rye, spelt, bulgar, semolina, couscous, triticale, and durum flour. Gluten can be hidden, so read labels carefully. Be wary of modified food starch, dextrin, flavorings and extracts, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, imitation seafood, and creamed or thickened products such as soups, stews, and sauces. Please refer to Your Guide to Healthy Hormones, for a more detailed discussion on gluten intolerance.
Ever Clean Colonics
Sunday, June 5, 2011
What is a CSA?
Colonic Westchester
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
I live in Westchester County, NY. To my delight and surprise, Westchester and the surrounding area is rich in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). To learn more I started with a visit to the Local Harvest website. Local Harvest, Inc. is an organization founded in 1998 that provides internet-based information to consumers that are seeking to buy local. According to their website, they are “now the number one informational resource for the Buy Local movement and the top place on the Internet where people find information on direct marketing family farms.” Currently, they have over 20,000 members and continue to grow each day. A visit to their website provided a search of local CSA in my area. When I entered my zip code, I received 30 CSAs close to my home and when I entered my state I received over 300.
I knew a little bit about CSA prior to starting this search, but really did not have the whole picture. In order to fully educate myself on what CSA is, I decided to begin at the beginning and learn exactly how a CSA works. Basically, CSA provides consumers the opportunity to buy locally grown organic foods in season. The CSA model is designed to provide the farmer with funds to buy seeds, organic pesticides and fuel, as well as, cover any costs to plant and grow food prior to the growing season. For the consumer, they are provided with opportunity to share in the harvest of locally grown organic produce weekly during the season. This mutually-beneficial system is designed as a subscription based model. Usually one thinks of a magazine or cable television as a subscription, but not farming. To some, this may sound like a strange or foreign concept, but a CSA subscription allows a consumer to sign up to share in the harvest of a local farmer or grower.
How it works
Initially, the farmer determines the number of shares he or she is able to provide for the upcoming season. This determination is based on land available for farming. Once this number is available, the farmer provides this information to public. This information is translated in the amount of shares available, the amount each share will cost for the season and how many weeks the season will last. For example, a local CSA near me (Farm Share, Ltd.) offers 600 subscriptions for 22 weeks beginning in June and ending in November for $610. It is a brilliant system that brings together local farmers and the community.
The benefits are abundant when participating in CSA. Here is a highlight of some:
• Fresh Produce
CSA provides a product the consumer receives that is at the peak of freshness. Produce is usually picked and received by the consumer within hours of harvest.
• Support of Local Farmer
CSA allows the community to support the efforts of local farmers.
• Seasonal Foods
CSA provides only produce that is in season. Therefore, consumers are able to enjoy a variety of foods throughout the year and eat foods that are supposed to be eaten in season vs. foods that travel long distances from foreign lands.
• Reduction of Carbon Footprint
CSA food travels very short distances from farmer to consumer. Here, less fuel and transportation costs are required to bring food to the consumer’s table.
• Building of Community
CSA enables the consumer to meet the farmer that brings them food. They are able to ask questions, request cooking, storing and recipe tips. A real relationship emerges between the farmer and the end user.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
I live in Westchester County, NY. To my delight and surprise, Westchester and the surrounding area is rich in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). To learn more I started with a visit to the Local Harvest website. Local Harvest, Inc. is an organization founded in 1998 that provides internet-based information to consumers that are seeking to buy local. According to their website, they are “now the number one informational resource for the Buy Local movement and the top place on the Internet where people find information on direct marketing family farms.” Currently, they have over 20,000 members and continue to grow each day. A visit to their website provided a search of local CSA in my area. When I entered my zip code, I received 30 CSAs close to my home and when I entered my state I received over 300.
I knew a little bit about CSA prior to starting this search, but really did not have the whole picture. In order to fully educate myself on what CSA is, I decided to begin at the beginning and learn exactly how a CSA works. Basically, CSA provides consumers the opportunity to buy locally grown organic foods in season. The CSA model is designed to provide the farmer with funds to buy seeds, organic pesticides and fuel, as well as, cover any costs to plant and grow food prior to the growing season. For the consumer, they are provided with opportunity to share in the harvest of locally grown organic produce weekly during the season. This mutually-beneficial system is designed as a subscription based model. Usually one thinks of a magazine or cable television as a subscription, but not farming. To some, this may sound like a strange or foreign concept, but a CSA subscription allows a consumer to sign up to share in the harvest of a local farmer or grower.
How it works
Initially, the farmer determines the number of shares he or she is able to provide for the upcoming season. This determination is based on land available for farming. Once this number is available, the farmer provides this information to public. This information is translated in the amount of shares available, the amount each share will cost for the season and how many weeks the season will last. For example, a local CSA near me (Farm Share, Ltd.) offers 600 subscriptions for 22 weeks beginning in June and ending in November for $610. It is a brilliant system that brings together local farmers and the community.
The benefits are abundant when participating in CSA. Here is a highlight of some:
• Fresh Produce
CSA provides a product the consumer receives that is at the peak of freshness. Produce is usually picked and received by the consumer within hours of harvest.
• Support of Local Farmer
CSA allows the community to support the efforts of local farmers.
• Seasonal Foods
CSA provides only produce that is in season. Therefore, consumers are able to enjoy a variety of foods throughout the year and eat foods that are supposed to be eaten in season vs. foods that travel long distances from foreign lands.
• Reduction of Carbon Footprint
CSA food travels very short distances from farmer to consumer. Here, less fuel and transportation costs are required to bring food to the consumer’s table.
• Building of Community
CSA enables the consumer to meet the farmer that brings them food. They are able to ask questions, request cooking, storing and recipe tips. A real relationship emerges between the farmer and the end user.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Why I love Hilltop Hanover in Yorktown...
A local Westchester County, NY farm providing organic veggies via CSA, farm stand and u pick...do I need to say more!!! I stopped by last week in my travels (see pics below) and was more than impressed. I am looking forward to all the great produce to come as the season unfolds.
Visit, buy and support. These are great people doing great things. Vote with your dollars...support local agriculture!
The animals...

Yummy! Chives with edible purple flowers (thanks for helping me getting these out of the ground...delicious)

Here is just a sampling of what they have listed on the site this week...
Farm Stand Produce
Friday, June 3rd & Saturday, June 4th
Beet Greens w/Baby Beets - $3/bunch
Chard - $2/bunch
Kale - $3/bunch
Lettuce Heads - $1.50 to $3/head
Mixed Braising Greens - $5/bag
Pac Choy - $3/head
Scallions (giant, overwintered) - $3/bunch
Spinach - $5/bag
Herbs - $2/bunch
(Basil, Chervil, Chives, Cutting Celery (different from normal celery), Garlic Chives, Dill, Fennel Leaf, Lemon Balm, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Thyme)
MAYBE radishes - $2/bunch
Visit, buy and support. These are great people doing great things. Vote with your dollars...support local agriculture!
The animals...

Yummy! Chives with edible purple flowers (thanks for helping me getting these out of the ground...delicious)

Here is just a sampling of what they have listed on the site this week...
Farm Stand Produce
Friday, June 3rd & Saturday, June 4th
Beet Greens w/Baby Beets - $3/bunch
Chard - $2/bunch
Kale - $3/bunch
Lettuce Heads - $1.50 to $3/head
Mixed Braising Greens - $5/bag
Pac Choy - $3/head
Scallions (giant, overwintered) - $3/bunch
Spinach - $5/bag
Herbs - $2/bunch
(Basil, Chervil, Chives, Cutting Celery (different from normal celery), Garlic Chives, Dill, Fennel Leaf, Lemon Balm, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Thyme)
MAYBE radishes - $2/bunch
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I know it's hot out there...this soup is great cold!
Colonic Westchester
The Inner Cook Nourishing Life One Bite at a Time ®
Magic Mineral Broth™
© 2008 Rebecca Katz. Recipe from One Bite at a Time by Rebecca Katz, The Inner Cook.
This broth alone can keep people going, especially when they don’t particularly want to eat. It’s not just a regular vegetable stock. This pot of yum is high in potassium and numerous trace minerals that are often depleted by cancer therapy. Sipping this nutrient‐rich stock is like giving your body an internal spa treatment. Drink it like a tea, or use it as a base for all your favorite soups and rice dishes. Don’t be daunted by the ingredient list. Simply chop the ingredients in chunks and throw them in the pot, roots, skins, and all.
• 6 unpeeled carrots, cut into thirds
• 2 unpeeled medium yellow onions, cut into chunks
• 1 leek, both white and green parts, cut into thirds
• 1 bunch celery, including the heart, cut into thirds
• 5 unpeeled cloves garlic, halved
• 1/2 bunch fresh flat‐leaf parsley
• 4 medium red potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 2 Japanese or regular sweet potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 1 Garnet yam with skin on, quartered
• 1 8‐inch strip of kombu
• 2 bay leaves
• 12 black peppercorns
• 4 whole allspice or juniper berries
• 1 tablespoon sea salt
Rinse all the vegetables well, including the kombu. In a 12‐quart or larger stockpot, combine all the ingredients accept the salt. Fill the pot to 2 inches below the rim with water, cover, and bring to a boil.
Remove the lid, decrease the heat to low, and simmer a minimum of 2 hours. As the stock simmers some of the water will evaporate; add more if the vegetables begin to peek out. Simmer until the full richness of the vegetables can be tasted. Add the salt and stir.
Strain the stock using a large coarse‐mesh strainer (remember to use a heat‐resistant container underneath). Bring to room temperature before refrigerating or freezing.
Makes 6 to 7 quarts
Magic Mineral Broth can be frozen up to 6 months in a variety of airtight container sizes for every use.
Ever Clean Colonics
Tel: 914.409.7760
Email: info@evercleancolonics.com
The Inner Cook Nourishing Life One Bite at a Time ®
Magic Mineral Broth™
© 2008 Rebecca Katz. Recipe from One Bite at a Time by Rebecca Katz, The Inner Cook.
This broth alone can keep people going, especially when they don’t particularly want to eat. It’s not just a regular vegetable stock. This pot of yum is high in potassium and numerous trace minerals that are often depleted by cancer therapy. Sipping this nutrient‐rich stock is like giving your body an internal spa treatment. Drink it like a tea, or use it as a base for all your favorite soups and rice dishes. Don’t be daunted by the ingredient list. Simply chop the ingredients in chunks and throw them in the pot, roots, skins, and all.
• 6 unpeeled carrots, cut into thirds
• 2 unpeeled medium yellow onions, cut into chunks
• 1 leek, both white and green parts, cut into thirds
• 1 bunch celery, including the heart, cut into thirds
• 5 unpeeled cloves garlic, halved
• 1/2 bunch fresh flat‐leaf parsley
• 4 medium red potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 2 Japanese or regular sweet potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 1 Garnet yam with skin on, quartered
• 1 8‐inch strip of kombu
• 2 bay leaves
• 12 black peppercorns
• 4 whole allspice or juniper berries
• 1 tablespoon sea salt
Rinse all the vegetables well, including the kombu. In a 12‐quart or larger stockpot, combine all the ingredients accept the salt. Fill the pot to 2 inches below the rim with water, cover, and bring to a boil.
Remove the lid, decrease the heat to low, and simmer a minimum of 2 hours. As the stock simmers some of the water will evaporate; add more if the vegetables begin to peek out. Simmer until the full richness of the vegetables can be tasted. Add the salt and stir.
Strain the stock using a large coarse‐mesh strainer (remember to use a heat‐resistant container underneath). Bring to room temperature before refrigerating or freezing.
Makes 6 to 7 quarts
Magic Mineral Broth can be frozen up to 6 months in a variety of airtight container sizes for every use.
Ever Clean Colonics
Tel: 914.409.7760
Email: info@evercleancolonics.com
Monday, May 23, 2011
Ever Clean Colonics - New Westchester Location and $20 off Treatment Special
Westchester's premier colon hydrotherapy spot announces new location & $20 off special.
colonic westchester
Effective May 2011, Westchester's premier colon hydrotherapy spot has a new location. Ever Clean is staying in Westchester. The new location is only 10 short minutes from their former location and still serving clients from all over Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Bronx, Fairfield and Orange.
The good news...the new location includes a private bathroom (only steps away from the treatment table), 2 parking lots and the new space is larger and more private.
Ever Clean invites you to come and enjoy the new space with a $20 off coupon.
Ever Clean's new address is:
1133 Pleasantville Road, 2nd Fl.
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
colonic westchester
colonic westchester
Effective May 2011, Westchester's premier colon hydrotherapy spot has a new location. Ever Clean is staying in Westchester. The new location is only 10 short minutes from their former location and still serving clients from all over Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Bronx, Fairfield and Orange.
The good news...the new location includes a private bathroom (only steps away from the treatment table), 2 parking lots and the new space is larger and more private.
Ever Clean invites you to come and enjoy the new space with a $20 off coupon.
Ever Clean's new address is:
1133 Pleasantville Road, 2nd Fl.
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
colonic westchester
Friday, May 20, 2011
colonic westchester
Ever Clean Colonics - New Westchester Location and $20 off Treatment Special
Ever Clean Colonics New Location & $20 off Special
Effective May 2011, Westchester's premier colon hydrotherapy spot has a new location. Ever Clean is staying in Westchester. The new location is only 10 short minutes from former location and still serving clients from all over Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Bronx, Fairfield and Orange.
The good news...the new location includes a private bathroom (only steps away from the treatment table), 2 parking lots and the new space is larger and more private.
Ever Clean invites you to come and enjoy the new space with a $20 off coupon.
Ever Clean's new address is:
1133 Pleasantville Road, 2nd Fl.
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Ever Clean Colonics - New Westchester Location and $20 off Treatment Special
Ever Clean Colonics New Location & $20 off Special
Effective May 2011, Westchester's premier colon hydrotherapy spot has a new location. Ever Clean is staying in Westchester. The new location is only 10 short minutes from former location and still serving clients from all over Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, Bronx, Fairfield and Orange.
The good news...the new location includes a private bathroom (only steps away from the treatment table), 2 parking lots and the new space is larger and more private.
Ever Clean invites you to come and enjoy the new space with a $20 off coupon.
Ever Clean's new address is:
1133 Pleasantville Road, 2nd Fl.
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Colonic Westchester - $20 off Spring Cleaning Special
Current Coupon: $20 off Colonic Treatment
If you would like to learn more about colonics or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
**New Briarcliff Address** - just minutes from White Plains, Tarrytown, Lower Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and surrounding areas.
1133 Pleasantville Road, 2nd Floor
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
If you would like to learn more about colonics or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
**New Briarcliff Address** - just minutes from White Plains, Tarrytown, Lower Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and surrounding areas.
1133 Pleasantville Road, 2nd Floor
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Colonics Westchester
westchester colonic
What is a Colonic?
(a.k.a. Colonic/Colon Cleansing/Colonic Irrigation/Colon Hydrotherapy)
A colonic is an internal bath that helps cleanse the colon of poisons, gas and accumulated fecal matter. Unlike an enema, it does not involve the retention of water. There is no discomfort, no internal pressure, just a steady, gentle flow of water in and out of the colon.
What are the Benefits of a Colonic?
Colonics offer relief from a variety of disturbances by cleansing the colon of impacted and putrefactive fecal matter.
Fatigue, gas, headaches, irritability, skin problems, cold hands and feet and lethargy are among the problems people have found relieved by colon cleansing. Constipation, of course, is another. Your sense of well-being is often dramatically improved with colon irrigations. You feel lighter, more energetic. The body can again assimilate food in the colon and better.
How Many Colonics Do I Need?
The number of treatments will always vary with the individual and his/her condition. Often the waste is so hard and well-lodged the colon that it may take a series of colonics to sufficiently soften and loosen this accumulated fecal material. This is why a series of treatments is often necessary and advisable. Colon irrigation is most effective when employed in combination with proper diet and exercise.
Want to learn more?
Call us today at 914-409-7760. Current $20 off special.
Ever Clean Colonics
What is a Colonic?
(a.k.a. Colonic/Colon Cleansing/Colonic Irrigation/Colon Hydrotherapy)
A colonic is an internal bath that helps cleanse the colon of poisons, gas and accumulated fecal matter. Unlike an enema, it does not involve the retention of water. There is no discomfort, no internal pressure, just a steady, gentle flow of water in and out of the colon.
What are the Benefits of a Colonic?
Colonics offer relief from a variety of disturbances by cleansing the colon of impacted and putrefactive fecal matter.
Fatigue, gas, headaches, irritability, skin problems, cold hands and feet and lethargy are among the problems people have found relieved by colon cleansing. Constipation, of course, is another. Your sense of well-being is often dramatically improved with colon irrigations. You feel lighter, more energetic. The body can again assimilate food in the colon and better.
How Many Colonics Do I Need?
The number of treatments will always vary with the individual and his/her condition. Often the waste is so hard and well-lodged the colon that it may take a series of colonics to sufficiently soften and loosen this accumulated fecal material. This is why a series of treatments is often necessary and advisable. Colon irrigation is most effective when employed in combination with proper diet and exercise.
Want to learn more?
Call us today at 914-409-7760. Current $20 off special.
Ever Clean Colonics
colonic westchester
What is it?
Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that control the way your body uses energy.
What to look for:
What is it?
Hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid releases hormones that control metabolism.
Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that control the way your body uses energy.
What to look for:
- Being more sensitive to cold
- Constipation
- Craving Salt
- Depression
- Fatigue or feeling slowed down
- Heavier menstrual periods
- Joint or muscle pain
- Paleness or dry skin
- Thin, brittle hair or fingernails
- Weakness
- Weight gain (unintentional)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Gluten Free Options
Gluten Free Options
Quick reference article on gluten free options.
Ever Clean Colonics
Westchester County, NY and Fairfield County, CT
Quick reference article on gluten free options.
Ever Clean Colonics
Westchester County, NY and Fairfield County, CT
Monday, March 28, 2011
"colonic westchester"
Health Digestion 101 - Tips to Support Digestive Wellness
Colonics Westchester, NY
Gentle, Safe and Effective Colon Cleansing
Tel: 914-409-7760
• Eat in a Calm and Relaxed Setting
Digestion requires a calm and relaxing setting. The body and mind should be relaxed. This allows for the parasympathetic to become activated. The heart rate slows down, promotes digestion, promotes salvia and stimulates the digestive organs.
• Eat Slowly
Eating slowly allows for the digestive secretions in the mouth (chemical digestion) and stomach to be stimulated. This also allows for time for the body to become aware of satiety.
• Chew Food Completely
Both mechanical and chemical digestion begins in the mouth. The act of chewing breaks food apart – larger food is broken down into small pieces by the teeth. Chewing also starts saliva production. Here, starch digestion begins and prepares food for entry into the stomach.
• Include Whole, Nutrient Dense and Fiber Rich Foods
Including whole, nutrient dense and fiber rich foods provide the body with essential nutrients. These foods help us to grow, repair and thrive.
• Eat Small Frequent Meals
Small frequent meals ease the digestive process. A good rule of thumb to ease the digestive process is to try to eat before the stomach is 20% empty and stop eating before it is 80% full.
• Practice Relaxation and Calming Activities
Activities that promote relaxation and calm assist in stress reduction. Activities such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing help to create a relaxing environment that is beneficial to good digestion.
• Add Herbs
The addition of herbs to food and diet assist in stimulating digestive secretions and enzymes. Herbs also provide additional nutrient density in the diet through providing vitamins, mineral and phytonutrients
• Keep the Body Hydrated
Hydration assists in digestion and absorption of nutrients. Generous amount of water is required each day for the body to function optimally. A good way to determine daily water intake is to divide body weight in half and drink the resulting number in ounces.
• Include Prebiotics and Probiotics
The inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics nourish and feed the beneficial flora (good bacteria) in the gastrointestinal system. These substances enhance the growth good bacterial, fight off toxins and enhance immunity.
• Get Moving With Exercise
Exercise reduced stress, tones gastrointestinal muscle, removes toxins and moved nutrients to cells.
Health Digestion 101 - Tips to Support Digestive Wellness
Colonics Westchester, NY
Gentle, Safe and Effective Colon Cleansing
Tel: 914-409-7760
• Eat in a Calm and Relaxed Setting
Digestion requires a calm and relaxing setting. The body and mind should be relaxed. This allows for the parasympathetic to become activated. The heart rate slows down, promotes digestion, promotes salvia and stimulates the digestive organs.
• Eat Slowly
Eating slowly allows for the digestive secretions in the mouth (chemical digestion) and stomach to be stimulated. This also allows for time for the body to become aware of satiety.
• Chew Food Completely
Both mechanical and chemical digestion begins in the mouth. The act of chewing breaks food apart – larger food is broken down into small pieces by the teeth. Chewing also starts saliva production. Here, starch digestion begins and prepares food for entry into the stomach.
• Include Whole, Nutrient Dense and Fiber Rich Foods
Including whole, nutrient dense and fiber rich foods provide the body with essential nutrients. These foods help us to grow, repair and thrive.
• Eat Small Frequent Meals
Small frequent meals ease the digestive process. A good rule of thumb to ease the digestive process is to try to eat before the stomach is 20% empty and stop eating before it is 80% full.
• Practice Relaxation and Calming Activities
Activities that promote relaxation and calm assist in stress reduction. Activities such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing help to create a relaxing environment that is beneficial to good digestion.
• Add Herbs
The addition of herbs to food and diet assist in stimulating digestive secretions and enzymes. Herbs also provide additional nutrient density in the diet through providing vitamins, mineral and phytonutrients
• Keep the Body Hydrated
Hydration assists in digestion and absorption of nutrients. Generous amount of water is required each day for the body to function optimally. A good way to determine daily water intake is to divide body weight in half and drink the resulting number in ounces.
• Include Prebiotics and Probiotics
The inclusion of prebiotics and probiotics nourish and feed the beneficial flora (good bacteria) in the gastrointestinal system. These substances enhance the growth good bacterial, fight off toxins and enhance immunity.
• Get Moving With Exercise
Exercise reduced stress, tones gastrointestinal muscle, removes toxins and moved nutrients to cells.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Check Your Engine!
Colonic Westchester
What do you do when your check engine light comes on?
For most, the first response is, "Go to in for service!"
What do you do when your the check engine light in your body goes on?
If you are like most, you continue to plow through like the rest of us! Work, family and everything in between takes priority. However, shouldn't we treat our body as well as we treat our car?
If your engine light is blinking with constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, acid reflux, gas or other...now is the time to pay attention. You may need a nutrition intervention. This could be a food makeover or detox cleansing.
To lean more about nutrition and cleansing programs, contact Ever Clean Life at www.evercleancolonics.com or via tel at 914-409-7760. Mention code: 0311 and receive $20 off in March.
What do you do when your check engine light comes on?
For most, the first response is, "Go to in for service!"
What do you do when your the check engine light in your body goes on?
If you are like most, you continue to plow through like the rest of us! Work, family and everything in between takes priority. However, shouldn't we treat our body as well as we treat our car?
If your engine light is blinking with constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, acid reflux, gas or other...now is the time to pay attention. You may need a nutrition intervention. This could be a food makeover or detox cleansing.
To lean more about nutrition and cleansing programs, contact Ever Clean Life at www.evercleancolonics.com or via tel at 914-409-7760. Mention code: 0311 and receive $20 off in March.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Colonic Westchester
Colonic Westchester
Whether we think about it or not, the colon is the most neglected organ in the body. Of all the organs in the body, it is the most congested with toxins. The best way to rid these toxins and start fresh is with a colonic.
If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
Current Coupon: $20 off Treatments
Serving Westchester County NY and Stamford, CT
Whether we think about it or not, the colon is the most neglected organ in the body. Of all the organs in the body, it is the most congested with toxins. The best way to rid these toxins and start fresh is with a colonic.
If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
Current Coupon: $20 off Treatments
Serving Westchester County NY and Stamford, CT
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Colonics in Westchester NY
Colonics in Westchester NY
Current Coupon: $20 Off Treatments
Westchester County NY and Stamford, CT
If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
Current Coupon: $20 Off Treatments
Westchester County NY and Stamford, CT
If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
Almond Hummus
colonic westchester
This is absolutely delicious, free of chick peas and provides vitamin E, magnesium and calcium
Almond Hummus
Makes about 2.5 cups
This is absolutely delicious, free of chick peas and provides vitamin E, magnesium and calcium
Almond Hummus
Makes about 2.5 cups
- 2 cups almonds, soaked for 12 hours and rinse
- 2/3 cup raw organic tahini
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 cloves garlic
- Juice of 2 small lemons (easy on the lemons - too much can be too much)
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley or cilantro
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Wonderful Soup!
colonics westchester
Thanks to Rebecca Katz. Check out her book...great stuff
The Inner Cook Nourishing Life One Bite at a Time ®
Magic Mineral Broth™
© 2008 Rebecca Katz. Recipe from One Bite at a Time by Rebecca Katz, The Inner Cook.
This broth alone can keep people going, especially when they don’t particularly want to eat. It’s not just a regular vegetable stock. This pot of yum is high in potassium and numerous trace minerals that are often depleted by cancer therapy. Sipping this nutrient‐rich stock is like giving your body an internal spa treatment. Drink it like a tea, or use it as a base for all your favorite soups and rice dishes. Don’t be daunted by the ingredient list. Simply chop the ingredients in chunks and throw them in the pot, roots, skins, and all.
• 6 unpeeled carrots, cut into thirds
• 2 unpeeled medium yellow onions, cut into chunks
• 1 leek, both white and green parts, cut into thirds
• 1 bunch celery, including the heart, cut into thirds
• 5 unpeeled cloves garlic, halved
• 1/2 bunch fresh flat‐leaf parsley
• 4 medium red potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 2 Japanese or regular sweet potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 1 Garnet yam with skin on, quartered
• 1 8‐inch strip of kombu
• 2 bay leaves
• 12 black peppercorns
• 4 whole allspice or juniper berries
• 1 tablespoon sea salt
Rinse all the vegetables well, including the kombu. In a 12‐quart or larger stockpot, combine all the ingredients accept the salt. Fill the pot to 2 inches below the rim with water, cover, and bring to a boil.
Remove the lid, decrease the heat to low, and simmer a minimum of 2 hours. As the stock simmers some of the water will evaporate; add more if the vegetables begin to peek out. Simmer until the full richness of the vegetables can be tasted. Add the salt and stir.
Strain the stock using a large coarse‐mesh strainer (remember to use a heat‐resistant container underneath). Bring to room temperature before refrigerating or freezing.
Makes 6 to 7 quarts
Magic Mineral Broth can be frozen up to 6 months in a variety of airtight container sizes for every use.
Thanks to Rebecca Katz. Check out her book...great stuff
The Inner Cook Nourishing Life One Bite at a Time ®
Magic Mineral Broth™
© 2008 Rebecca Katz. Recipe from One Bite at a Time by Rebecca Katz, The Inner Cook.
This broth alone can keep people going, especially when they don’t particularly want to eat. It’s not just a regular vegetable stock. This pot of yum is high in potassium and numerous trace minerals that are often depleted by cancer therapy. Sipping this nutrient‐rich stock is like giving your body an internal spa treatment. Drink it like a tea, or use it as a base for all your favorite soups and rice dishes. Don’t be daunted by the ingredient list. Simply chop the ingredients in chunks and throw them in the pot, roots, skins, and all.
• 6 unpeeled carrots, cut into thirds
• 2 unpeeled medium yellow onions, cut into chunks
• 1 leek, both white and green parts, cut into thirds
• 1 bunch celery, including the heart, cut into thirds
• 5 unpeeled cloves garlic, halved
• 1/2 bunch fresh flat‐leaf parsley
• 4 medium red potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 2 Japanese or regular sweet potatoes with skins on, quartered
• 1 Garnet yam with skin on, quartered
• 1 8‐inch strip of kombu
• 2 bay leaves
• 12 black peppercorns
• 4 whole allspice or juniper berries
• 1 tablespoon sea salt
Rinse all the vegetables well, including the kombu. In a 12‐quart or larger stockpot, combine all the ingredients accept the salt. Fill the pot to 2 inches below the rim with water, cover, and bring to a boil.
Remove the lid, decrease the heat to low, and simmer a minimum of 2 hours. As the stock simmers some of the water will evaporate; add more if the vegetables begin to peek out. Simmer until the full richness of the vegetables can be tasted. Add the salt and stir.
Strain the stock using a large coarse‐mesh strainer (remember to use a heat‐resistant container underneath). Bring to room temperature before refrigerating or freezing.
Makes 6 to 7 quarts
Magic Mineral Broth can be frozen up to 6 months in a variety of airtight container sizes for every use.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Colonic Westchester $20 off Treatments
Colonics in Westchester NY
Current Coupon: $20 off Treatments
Serving NYC, Westchester County NY and CT
If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
Current Coupon: $20 off Treatments
Serving NYC, Westchester County NY and CT
If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Chew Your Food!
colonic westchester
Practicing chewing food before eating is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. Frequently, we are eating on the go or in a rushed manner in order to get to the next thing we have on our agendas. Food frequently goes into our mouths and barely gets moved around before we decide to swallow. When we do this, we compromise our digestion. Chewing our food is critical for good digestion and it starts in the mouth with chewing.
Each day, I ask clients if they chew their food. The most common answer is, “I think so.” If you were to ask me the same question, my answer would be, “I try to do so.” However (as a human and not a robot), I know I do not always accomplish this first important step in digestion. So over the last week, I have made an effort to chew my food completely. This exercise involved a lot of conscious effort on my part and taking time to slow down. With each meal, I was keenly aware of the amount of chewing I was doing and the time it took me to complete the meal. As a result, I felt better after eating and tended to consume less and feel less hungry after each meal.
Practicing chewing food before eating is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. Frequently, we are eating on the go or in a rushed manner in order to get to the next thing we have on our agendas. Food frequently goes into our mouths and barely gets moved around before we decide to swallow. When we do this, we compromise our digestion. Chewing our food is critical for good digestion and it starts in the mouth with chewing.
Each day, I ask clients if they chew their food. The most common answer is, “I think so.” If you were to ask me the same question, my answer would be, “I try to do so.” However (as a human and not a robot), I know I do not always accomplish this first important step in digestion. So over the last week, I have made an effort to chew my food completely. This exercise involved a lot of conscious effort on my part and taking time to slow down. With each meal, I was keenly aware of the amount of chewing I was doing and the time it took me to complete the meal. As a result, I felt better after eating and tended to consume less and feel less hungry after each meal.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Constipation - Cute Video
How to Relieve Constipation Naturally
Thanks to Howcast.com!
colonic westchester
Ever Clean Colonics
Healthy Digestion
colonic westchester
Tips for Heathy Digestion:
- Eat in a Calm and Relaxed Setting
- Eat Slowly
- Chew Food Completely
- Include Whole, Nutrient Dense and Fiber Rich Foods
- Eat Small Frequent Meals
- Practice Relaxation and Calming Activities
- Add Herbs
- Keep the Body Hydrated
- Include Prebiotics and Probiotics
- Get Moving With Exercise
colon westchester,
colonic 914,
colonic westchester
Digestion 101 - Chew Your Food
Colonic westchester
Practicing chewing food before eating is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. Frequently, we are eating on the go or in a rushed manner in order to get to the next thing we have on our agendas. Food frequently goes into our mouths and barely gets moved around before we decide to swallow. When we do this, we compromise our digestion. Chewing our food is critical for good digestion and it starts in the mouth with chewing.
Each day, I ask clients if they chew their food. The most common answer is, “I think so.” If you were to ask me the same question, my answer would be, “I try to do so.” However, I know I do not always accomplish this first important step in digestion. So over the last week, I have made an effort to chew my food completely. This exercise involved a lot of conscious effort on my part and taking time to slow down. With each meal, I was keenly aware of the amount of chewing I was doing and the time it took me to complete the meal. As a result, I felt better after eating and tended to consume less and feel less hungry after each meal.
Practicing chewing food before eating is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. Frequently, we are eating on the go or in a rushed manner in order to get to the next thing we have on our agendas. Food frequently goes into our mouths and barely gets moved around before we decide to swallow. When we do this, we compromise our digestion. Chewing our food is critical for good digestion and it starts in the mouth with chewing.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
There are Bugs in My Body?
colonic westchester
Did you know we have 400 to 500 types of bacteria in our digestive system? Probably not since we can't see or feel them, but they are everywhere - in our mouths, stomachs, small and large intestines and many other places. However, the majority of these bacteria reside in our colons and we eliminate several ounces of these bacteria each day through our stool. Some of these bacteria are friendly or benefical and some are not so friendly and can cause us some distress.
That is sure a lot to think about and may even cause some alarm, but hope is not lost...you can fight the battle with probiotics. Probiotics or "friendly bacteria" offers many protective and nutritive properties.
Ever Clean Colonics
Did you know we have 400 to 500 types of bacteria in our digestive system? Probably not since we can't see or feel them, but they are everywhere - in our mouths, stomachs, small and large intestines and many other places. However, the majority of these bacteria reside in our colons and we eliminate several ounces of these bacteria each day through our stool. Some of these bacteria are friendly or benefical and some are not so friendly and can cause us some distress.
That is sure a lot to think about and may even cause some alarm, but hope is not lost...you can fight the battle with probiotics. Probiotics or "friendly bacteria" offers many protective and nutritive properties.
Ever Clean Colonics
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Constipation - What a Pain!
colonic westchester
My interest in Magnesium started a couple a couple of years ago when I discovered the role it plays in alleviating constipation by assisting in the relaxation of muscle. I suffered for many years with constipation and tried my best to manage it through the avoidance of gluten-containing foods in my diet, but nothing really helped. After searching and searching, I discovered magnesium. Magnesium is best known as “the antistress mineral” that acts as a co-enzyme involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and works closely with Vitamin D, Calcium and Phosphorus. As I reflected on my diet, I noticed that I was not really getting a lot of magnesium in the foods I ate each day. I was avoiding wheat and wheat-wheat containing foods, eating a lot of fruit and rarely consumed nuts, seeds or seaweeds. Although, my diet was relatively healthy, I was not eating many of the foods that provided magnesium and had never really given much thought to if I was getting my recommended daily allowance. Today, I supplement with magnesium and ensure I am getting an adequate amount in the foods I choose. I include brewer’s yeast and molasses daily, buckwheat and almonds in several times per week and try to get in kelp and seaweeds several times per month. Since starting this process, my bowel function has returned to normal, my sleep is better, my PMS is hardly existent and I feel more relaxed.
My interest in Magnesium started a couple a couple of years ago when I discovered the role it plays in alleviating constipation by assisting in the relaxation of muscle. I suffered for many years with constipation and tried my best to manage it through the avoidance of gluten-containing foods in my diet, but nothing really helped. After searching and searching, I discovered magnesium. Magnesium is best known as “the antistress mineral” that acts as a co-enzyme involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and works closely with Vitamin D, Calcium and Phosphorus. As I reflected on my diet, I noticed that I was not really getting a lot of magnesium in the foods I ate each day. I was avoiding wheat and wheat-wheat containing foods, eating a lot of fruit and rarely consumed nuts, seeds or seaweeds. Although, my diet was relatively healthy, I was not eating many of the foods that provided magnesium and had never really given much thought to if I was getting my recommended daily allowance. Today, I supplement with magnesium and ensure I am getting an adequate amount in the foods I choose. I include brewer’s yeast and molasses daily, buckwheat and almonds in several times per week and try to get in kelp and seaweeds several times per month. Since starting this process, my bowel function has returned to normal, my sleep is better, my PMS is hardly existent and I feel more relaxed.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Can't Seem to Lose Weight No Matter What You Do!!!
At least once a day, I have a client tell me that they are unable to lose weight despite great efforts. Changes in diet and exercise don't seem to work. Sadly, I agree...all efforts can result in little or no loss of weight. When we eat the Standard American Diet (SAD), take medications and/or antibiotics or are up to our eyeballs in stress, weight loss is near to impossible. Our systems are usually weighed down with toxins and our livers are asking for help. A first step in combating this frustrating dilemma is cleansing. A gentle full body cleanse with a clean diet is the first place to start. To learn more about cleansing programs call me at 914-409-7760 or www.evercleancolonics.com.
Colonic Westchester
Colonic 914
Colonics 914
Colon Cleansing 914
Colon Cleansing westchester
Friday, January 14, 2011
Detox and Cleaning the Liver
Now that the holidays are over, it's time to clean up! A great place to start is in the liver. Did you know the liver is the largest internal organ we have and that everything needs to visit the liver before it moves on to the rest of the body? That means cookies, cakes, chocolate, chips and cheeseburgers all go to the liver to be processed. The liver looks at each ingredient in those foods and gives a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down". Those things that don't get a good review can be stored in the body and potentially be toxic.
To learn more about cleansing and cleaning up your liver call me at 914-409-7760.
To learn more about cleansing and cleaning up your liver call me at 914-409-7760.
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