Monday, February 28, 2011

Colonic Westchester $20 off Treatments

Colonics in Westchester NY
Current Coupon: $20 off Treatments
Serving NYC, Westchester County NY and CT
If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914-409-7760.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chew Your Food!

colonic westchester
Practicing chewing food before eating is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. Frequently, we are eating on the go or in a rushed manner in order to get to the next thing we have on our agendas. Food frequently goes into our mouths and barely gets moved around before we decide to swallow. When we do this, we compromise our digestion. Chewing our food is critical for good digestion and it starts in the mouth with chewing.

Each day, I ask clients if they chew their food. The most common answer is, “I think so.” If you were to ask me the same question, my answer would be, “I try to do so.” However (as a human and not a robot), I know I do not always accomplish this first important step in digestion. So over the last week, I have made an effort to chew my food completely. This exercise involved a lot of conscious effort on my part and taking time to slow down. With each meal, I was keenly aware of the amount of chewing I was doing and the time it took me to complete the meal. As a result, I felt better after eating and tended to consume less and feel less hungry after each meal.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Constipation - Cute Video

How to Relieve Constipation Naturally
Thanks to!
colonic westchester

Ever Clean Colonics

Healthy Digestion

colonic westchester
Tips for Heathy Digestion:

  • Eat in a Calm and Relaxed Setting
  • Eat Slowly
  • Chew Food Completely
  • Include Whole, Nutrient Dense and Fiber Rich Foods
  • Eat Small Frequent Meals
  • Practice Relaxation and Calming Activities
  • Add Herbs
  • Keep the Body Hydrated
  • Include Prebiotics and Probiotics
  • Get Moving With Exercise

Digestion 101 - Chew Your Food

Colonic westchester
Practicing chewing food before eating is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. Frequently, we are eating on the go or in a rushed manner in order to get to the next thing we have on our agendas. Food frequently goes into our mouths and barely gets moved around before we decide to swallow. When we do this, we compromise our digestion. Chewing our food is critical for good digestion and it starts in the mouth with chewing.

Each day, I ask clients if they chew their food. The most common answer is, “I think so.” If you were to ask me the same question, my answer would be, “I try to do so.” However, I know I do not always accomplish this first important step in digestion. So over the last week, I have made an effort to chew my food completely. This exercise involved a lot of conscious effort on my part and taking time to slow down. With each meal, I was keenly aware of the amount of chewing I was doing and the time it took me to complete the meal. As a result, I felt better after eating and tended to consume less and feel less hungry after each meal.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There are Bugs in My Body?

colonic westchester
Did you know we have 400 to 500 types of bacteria in our digestive system? Probably not since we can't see or feel them, but they are everywhere - in our mouths, stomachs, small and large intestines and many other places. However, the majority of these bacteria reside in our colons and we eliminate several ounces of these bacteria each day through our stool. Some of these bacteria are friendly or benefical and some are not so friendly and can cause us some distress.

That is sure a lot to think about and may even cause some alarm, but hope is not can fight the battle with probiotics. Probiotics or "friendly bacteria" offers many protective and nutritive properties.

Ever Clean Colonics

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Constipation - What a Pain!

colonic westchester
My interest in Magnesium started a couple a couple of years ago when I discovered the role it plays in alleviating constipation by assisting in the relaxation of muscle. I suffered for many years with constipation and tried my best to manage it through the avoidance of gluten-containing foods in my diet, but nothing really helped. After searching and searching, I discovered magnesium. Magnesium is best known as “the antistress mineral” that acts as a co-enzyme involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and works closely with Vitamin D, Calcium and Phosphorus. As I reflected on my diet, I noticed that I was not really getting a lot of magnesium in the foods I ate each day. I was avoiding wheat and wheat-wheat containing foods, eating a lot of fruit and rarely consumed nuts, seeds or seaweeds. Although, my diet was relatively healthy, I was not eating many of the foods that provided magnesium and had never really given much thought to if I was getting my recommended daily allowance. Today, I supplement with magnesium and ensure I am getting an adequate amount in the foods I choose. I include brewer’s yeast and molasses daily, buckwheat and almonds in several times per week and try to get in kelp and seaweeds several times per month. Since starting this process, my bowel function has returned to normal, my sleep is better, my PMS is hardly existent and I feel more relaxed.