Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Colonics Westchester
Hi All,

Ask folks on the street what a colonic is and they really aren't sure. Most usually look confused and ask you, "Say that again?" or "A what?". However, ask someone who is involved in health and wellness and you will get a different response. Some may mention detox or cleansing and others may mention IBS or constipation. Either response is correct.

Lately, colonics are getting a lot of press. Many of the popular cleansing and detox programs advocate colonics as part of their program. Sadly, most folks still do not know what a colonic is or what benefits a colonic offers.

A Primer on Colonics

What is a colonic?
A colonic is an internal bath that helps cleanse the colon of gas, mucus and accumulated fecal matter. Waste is softened and loosened during each session. There is no discomfort, no internal pressure, just a steady gentle flow of a small amount of warm filtered water in and out of the colon. The cleansing effects of colon hydrotherapy should produce better colon flow, tone and elimination.

What are the benefits of colonic irrigation?
Colonics offer relief from a variety of disturbances by cleansing the colon of impacted and putrefactive fecal matter. Constipation, gas and bloating, headaches, skin problems, fatigue are among the many problems people have found relieved by colon cleansing. Your sense of well-being is often dramatically improved with colon cleansing. You feel lighter, more energetic and back in balance.

What happens during each session?
All clients are made comfortable with full explanations of the techniques, methods and procedures used during the session. Clients are covered by a full length gown during all procedures, giving top priority to client modesty, dignity and comfort.

How many colonics do I need?
The number of treatments will always vary with the individual and his/her condition. Some people may not have startling results for the first few treatments. This is why a series of treatments is often necessary and advisable. Once the colon is clean, it is advisable to have a colonic with regularity to maintain bowel health. Some visit once a month, others at the change of season for a short series of two or three.

Is there special preparation for a colonic?
Do not eat three to four hours before your visit. Try to avoid or eliminated any gas-forming (beans, broccoli, onions, etc.) and mucus-forming foods (dairy products, wheat flour, and sugar) a few days prior to cleansing. However, clients are asked to maintain their usual diet before a treatment if they have specific digestive complaints. It is important to see how sessions progress and become more productive as a client begins to “clean up" their diet.

If you would like to learn more about colonics, current specials or schedule an appointment please call 914.409.7760.
Current Coupon: $10 off Colonic
Detox and Cleansing Program: Call for details
Serving NYC, Westchester County NY and CT

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Colonics/Colon Hydrotherapy

www.evercleancolonics.com Serving NY, Westchester County, Stamford CT and beyond. Call today for an appointment - 914-409-7760.