Thursday, August 25, 2011

Comparison of 20 Organic and Conventional Foods

Comparison of 20 Organic and Conventional Foods westchester colonics
As a Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Colon Hydrotherapist, I advise people each day on the importance of eating whole live organic foods. Frequently I hear from clients, “I would buy organic, but it is so expensive!” Historically, I would tend to agree with this statement, but things are starting to change. Organics are becoming more commonplace and prices are getting closer and closer to their conventional counterparts. A quick tour of any grocery store provides a small glimpse of this ever-growing market segment. More and more, entire sections and aisles in stores are catering to organic food. In addition, Whole Foods, local and regional markets, as well as, organic farms and CSAs continue to widen their footprints throughout the country. Even Wal-Mart is getting into organics.

In order to prove that the price gap between organic and conventional produce is slimming, I took to the streets and visited several organic and conventional markets. To my delight, the difference in organic produce was hardly noticeable. On average, a comparison of 20 organic and conventional fruits and vegetables provided only a $.19 difference in price. In addition, I was able to find more options available in the organic markets and farms. These options included more locally grown food and greater variety in vegetables. Organic produce is definitely finding its place in our food system.

Now in order to be fair to the folks that feel organic food as a general category is more expensive than conventional food, I would be remiss not to briefly mention a couple of other food categories. Two of the largest categories that also deserve attention are meat and processed foods.


Organic meat, like so many other organic products, is popping up everywhere. In both conventional and organic outlets, consumers are finding it more and more readily available. However, the price gap between organic and conventional meat is still quite large. In order to bring organic meat to the consumer, special care from birth to market needs to be taken and this special care adds dollars and cents all along the way. Different from the highly mechanized and processed conventional meat, organic meat is still largely brought to market from small to medium sized organic farms bearing large production costs. This size difference allows large producers to spread production costs over larger volumes and bring a less expensive product to market.

Processed Foods

Another large segment of the food industry where organics still tend to command a higher price is processed foods. In searching both organic and conventional markets, I noticed the price of organic processed foods still tends to cost a bit more than conventionally processed foods. If one wants to eat organic, but still have convenience they are going to have to pay more. Any item out of a bag, bottle, package or can comes with a higher ticket price. If you want organic oatmeal or beans in the usual take home fashion (container, bag or can), plan to spend more at the checkout counter. However, much like the large and small grocery chains, food processors are throwing their hats into the race. Products ranging from microwave meals to baby food are now being produced by the same companies that offer conventional processed foods.


My comparison of 20 foods was encouraging. I was happy to see only a slight difference in the price of organic produce versus conventional produce. For less than the cost of a U.S. Quarter, one can feel free to enjoy all the benefits fresh fruits and vegetables have to offer. However, more inroads need to be made in other food categories. Specifically, lower prices in the meat category. If one chooses to eat organic meat, cost should not inhibit their consumption. In the case of processed foods, prices are still higher than conventional, but this may not be such a bad thing. If cost is a limiting factor, folks may choose to eat less processed foods and opt for more organic fruits and vegetables in their price range.

by Ever Clean Colonics