Monday, February 21, 2011

Digestion 101 - Chew Your Food

Colonic westchester
Practicing chewing food before eating is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. Frequently, we are eating on the go or in a rushed manner in order to get to the next thing we have on our agendas. Food frequently goes into our mouths and barely gets moved around before we decide to swallow. When we do this, we compromise our digestion. Chewing our food is critical for good digestion and it starts in the mouth with chewing.

Each day, I ask clients if they chew their food. The most common answer is, “I think so.” If you were to ask me the same question, my answer would be, “I try to do so.” However, I know I do not always accomplish this first important step in digestion. So over the last week, I have made an effort to chew my food completely. This exercise involved a lot of conscious effort on my part and taking time to slow down. With each meal, I was keenly aware of the amount of chewing I was doing and the time it took me to complete the meal. As a result, I felt better after eating and tended to consume less and feel less hungry after each meal.


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